Kensico Dam - Valhalla
We meet at 9:15am in the large open space in front of the dam. Parking is free at this location and there is an awesome playground and open for the kids to enjoy after class. For GPS either enter Kensico Dam Plaza or paste the following link into a new browser for more accurate directions to the dam:,+Bronx+River+Parkway,+Valh...
Be sure to check this site after 7:30am to find out whether class will be outside or moved inside at The Westchester mall due to weather.
These classes are outside in late March/early April - mid November. The weather is tricky early spring and late fall so do be sure to check the schedule to confirm the class location. We look for temperatures to be close to 50 degrees by class time, but the wind and precipitation play into our decision as well.
1 Bronx River Parkway, Valhalla, NY 10595
Sorry, we don't have any schedule info for this month.